Home Upgrades in the Shenandoah Valley

Time to finally update those old, worn out home appliances? We do the research for you and only recommend the right choices for your space, budget, and needs.

Repair, replace, rejoice!

Don’t gamble with the risks associated with putting off a needed replacement or upgrade. Old or broken appliances can be fire hazards and ruin clothing, dishes, or other items they would normally clean. 

Our home upgrade services include

  • Washing machine/Dryer replacement 
  • Dishwasher replacement 
  • Refrigerator replacement 
  • Oven/stove replacement 

Our Process

Step 1

Schedule your risk free consultation with our team to discuss the details of your project and needs.

Step 2

Receive your estimated quote within days of our initial call and schedule your project timeline if everything looks good to go.

Step 3

We handle all aspects of your project. We always keep you in the loop but never bog you down with the details. Once complete, enjoy your space!

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